Safex FAQ How to contribute to Safex? This text will give you some ideas about how to support Safex. Let’s do it together!
Safex Advanced The Safex Tail Emission What is the Safex Tail Emission? Here is a complete explanation.
First Steps Buy a product on Safex Market in 3 Steps In this text, we will show you how to buy a product on Safex Market using only Safex TWM Wallet.
Safex FAQ Selecting Another Daemon Host for Faster Safex TWM Wallet Access This article explains the benefits of connecting your Safex TWM Wallet to a different Daemon Host to increase sync speeds, rather than simply leaving it on the default host setting.
Safex FAQ An Explanation of Safex/TWM Wallet Files This article will briefly explain the necessity and function of each of the Safex wallet files, plus highlight the importance of the .twm file, as used by the Safex TWM Wallet.
Safex FAQ ''Why it looks like I can't make this Purchase?'' This is one more ''Issue that is not an issue''. In this text, we explain what's behind the error in Safex TWM Wallet and, as always, offer a simple solution. Just relax.
Safex FAQ ''Why my coin balances change after I made a transaction?'' In this article, we explain why it may look like your coins disappeared. Take it easy, it's all fine.
Safex FAQ What is the difference between Safex and TWM Inc? Here is a brief explanation of the difference between Safex and TWM Inc.
Safex FAQ What is a fee? Learn about the existence of fees (expenses) in the case of sending and trading cryptocurrencies.
Safex Wallet How to Send Safex Tokens from the TWM wallet? This is a guide on How to send Safex Tokens from TWM Wallet.
Safex Wallet How to Receive Safex Cash or Safex Tokens? This is a short and straightforward explanation of how to receive Safex Tokens or Safex Cash.
Safex Wallet How & Where to check the Transaction History? You want to check your transaction history on Safex Blockchain? Here is an explanation of how to do so.
Safex FAQ How to mine Safex Cash? This is a brief explanation of the options you have for mining Safex Cash.
Safex Wallet How to Send Safex Cash from the TWM wallet? This is a guide on How to send Safex Cash from TWM Wallet.