Buy Safex Cash on Exchange | Detailed guide
Follow our guide and buy Safex Cash on Bitrue crypto exchange using a credit/debit card. Install the Safex Wallet and explore products on Safex Market.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to set up an account on the crypto exchange, buy Bitcoin with credit/debit card, convert them into USDT in order to buy Safex Cash. Safex Cash can be used to buy products on Safex Market - the crypto-commerce platform.
We will cover the following steps:
- Make an account on
- Buy Bitcoin with credit card, exchange it to USDT and then to Safex Cash
- Install Safex TWM Wallet
Scroll to the end for the video tutorial.
Make an account on
In your web browser, go to [1]. To make an account click on Sign up button [2]. If you already have an account, click on Log in button.

Fill in the fields on the signup page, then tick the checkbox once you’ve read and understood the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Click the Send button to receive a Signup verification code in your email, and when it arrives, copy the code and paste it into the e-mail field and the click the Signup box to proceed.

2.1. Buy Bitcoin with credit card
You're now signed up and can click the Buy/Sell button:

Then click the Buy button beside the Credit Card-Simplex option.

You can choose from a wide selection of coins. We want to buy BTC, so we'll select that option on the dropdown list. You can select from a number of different fiat currencies, but we'll stick with USD. Enter how much you want to spend into the Total Charge field.
Now hit the Buy Now button.

It should be noted that Simplex takes a small fee for using their service.
An order confirmation window appears, and once we check the details are correct, we tick the checkbox and click the Go To Payment button.

Enter your credit card details, tick the checkbox, then click the Next button.

Now fill in your billing address and personal details.

Once all the details are correct, click the Pay Now button.
A verification code gets sent to the email address used on the Payment page. Enter the code in the popup window and then click Continue.

Depending on where you live, another screen may appear that allows you to pay in your local currency. Make the selection and click continue.
Your bank may have their own verification process to complete. Your payment will then get authorized and approved. Now we wait for the BTC to arrive in our bitrue account.
Back on the webpage, click the Return to Bitrue button, and you’ll see the order confirmation.

While we wait for the BTC to arrive, we'll add the pairings we plan to use to our favorites by starring them. Click on the USDT and then in the search window above. Type BTC and click on the star to make it yellow. Next type SFX and star it again. This way you'll bookmark your favorite pairs and you can reach then any time by clicking on underlined star.

When Bitcoin arrives to your bitrue wallet you will see the change in balance.

2.2. Exchange Bitcoin to USDT
Safex Cash only has a USDT pairing on Bitrue, so we need to first change our BTC to USDT.
Click on the Exchange link [1], then click the star to display our pairings [2]. Click the BTC - USDT pairing [3].
Change the trading type from Limit to Market [4].
Select how much of your BTC you want to sell for USDT [5], then click the Sell BTC button [6].

Tick the checkbox in the confirmation window, then click Confirm to complete the order.

The purchased USDT will now appear in the USDT Available balance on the Buy side.

2.3. Exchange USDT to Safex Cash (SFX)
Now click on the SFX - USDT pairing [1].
Again make sure Market trade is selected [2], then select how much SFX you want to buy [3] and click the Buy SFX button [4].

We've bought SFX and now we need to withdraw them from the exchange, so we can use them.
To withdraw coins you need to have a Safex address, so the next step is installation of Safex TWM Wallet.
3.1 Install Safex TWM Wallet
For those of you who haven't yet got the TWM wallet installed, go to and download the install file for your PC. Here, we will demonstrate the Windows installation.

Click to download, and once on your PC, run the install file. If you get a Windows warning, click on more info and select Run Anyway. This will install the TWM wallet and run it automatically.

As a first time user, you need to click the Get Started button, accept the terms and conditions.

Then click the Create New Wallet button.

Select where you want to save your wallet files, name your wallet, then click save.

Click continue on next popup. Set the connection with the default Daemon host, then continue to set your wallet password.

The longer the password, the more secure your wallet files. Click set password, and now we're ready to create your new Safex Wallet.
The first thing to appear is a popup window containing your Safex address, private keys, and the mnemonic seed.

It is critical that you immediately backup this information in a secure location.
So we’ll copy the details to a text document, print them out and move the text document off your PC to a USB stick, which you'll keep in a safe place.
Now we're ready to receive coins in our Safex Wallet. To learn more about your Safex Wallet click here.
3.2. Send Safex Cash to TWM Wallet
In the Wallet, click on the Copy Address button.

Click on Assets in upper right corner of the exchange, and then My Assets. Go on Spot, and then My Assets. You’ll see your crypto balances on the exchange.
Now go to the withdrawal page, select SFX from the dropdown [1] and paste your Safex Address [2] into the appropriate field.
Click the max withdraw button to withdraw all the SFX to your wallet [3], and then enter your withdrawal PIN code [4].
Click the Withdraw SFX button to make your withdrawal [5].

Now complete the 2FA security confirmation process, which helps protect your assets on the exchange. Click the Send button to receive a verification code in your email, and then add the Google authenticator code and click Confirm. A Submitted window then appears, showing the details of the withdrawal. Click the Confirm button to close the window.
Your withdrawal request will now appear in your Withdrawal history, with a status of Under Review.
A few minutes later, the withdrawal status shows Success and a check of your TWM wallet shows your coins have arrived. Clicking the History tab in the Wallet shows each transaction.

4. Visit Market tab and buy a product
You now have SFX to spend on Safex Market. Click the Market tab to start shopping. Click the Show Products button and all the products currently for sale in your region will display.

Scroll through the Product listings, and when you find something you like, click the View Listing button to get more information.

This screen is also where you can Buy the item.
Happy shopping on Safex Market.
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