Recover a Safex Wallet using Keys
Good news - you can recover your Safex Wallet, and in this guide, we will explain how to do it using Safex Keys.

Developers predicted a certain number of people would lose their passwords or .keys files, so they made it easy to recover crypto wallets and return possession over coins. There are two options to recover the Safex Wallet, and in this detailed guide, you will see how.
There are two ways to recover the Wallet
The user can recover the Wallet using:
- Safex address and two Private Keys
- 25 mnemonic seed words for their Safex Address.
This critical information should have been backed up and stored securely when the user first created the address. Now we will demonstrate how to recover your Wallet.
This article explains restoring via your Safex Address and pair of Private Keys - Send and View.
There are several reasons why you may need to restore your wallet from keys. A common reason is a computer crash, and the user has to restore the wallet on their new PC. Alternatively, there may have simply been a wallet file corrupted on the PC.
Another reason why you may need to restore from mnemonic seed is - you may have already installed the latest wallet, but accidentally deleted your <walletname>.keys file, or simply forgot your password. If you have lost your Private Keys and Seed Phrase as well, unfortunately, there is no option to recover the Wallet.
A final possible reason to restore is when a blockchain code update occurs, making the old wallet file format incompatible. This is the case with the Safex blockchain - the old Orbiter wallet allowed users to send/receive SFT and SFX to/from other addresses, up until the advanced functionality of the marketplace code went live at the hardfork in December 2020.
From the hardfork block onwards, the Orbiter wallet became obsolete, as it was unable to understand the new block format, which contained the marketplace code. Users of the Orbiter wallet must install a new Safex Wallet, available from here (The only GUI wallet currently available is the TWM Wallet, produced by TWM Inc.)
Regardless of which of the above reasons you find yourself at, there is a way to recover your Safex Wallet. In this detailed guide we will explain how to do so, using your Safex address and pair of Private Keys (aka Secret Keys).
It is worth noting here that the coins never reside in the computer you’ve got the software Wallet installed on. Coins only ever exist on the blockchain, and the software Wallet is simply a conduit to the transaction history information, and also has the ability to create new transactions in the correct format to send to the blockchain for processing.
You can have the same Wallet installed on several different computers. They will all reflect every transaction made on any of them because they all reflect the same blockchain transaction history.
Recover the Wallet from Keys
First, prepare the text document with your Safex Keys that you saved when you installed the Wallet. If you are not sure what we are talking about, you should go back and read this article.

When you enter the Wallet, choose Recover Wallet from Keys option:

On the next screen, you will see fields where you should enter your Public Safex Address and two private keys: Private Spend Key and Private View Key. Copy them from the document and paste them into the appropriate fields. Click on the Set Keys button:

Next, you should select where you would like to save your Wallet files. These files you are saving are the same as the previous ones that you have lost. If you find your ''old'' files and password, you can use them as well.

Select the path that is the most convenient for you, and name your file:

At this point, you can change the path or continue:

Connect by clicking on the Continue button, or choose other option:

Now, choose the password. Make sure you remember it or write it down in a safe place:

The last thing to do is just to click on the Restore Wallet button:

It is absolutely imperative that users click the OK button here, and allow the <walletname>.twm file to be created. The .twm file is needed for the Shopper-Merchant messaging functions within the TWM Wallet:

After that, you will enter your previous Wallet:

Restoring a wallet means the software has to check the entire blockchain history for any transactions related to your address. This can take some time depending on your internet speed and PC capabilities. It can take some time for your balances to appear, regardless of how quickly the wallet shows it has synced to the top block - so just be patient. This wait also applies to any use of the Hard Rescan button, as this also does a new check of the entire blockchain.
Users will now have a fully functional Safex TWM Wallet.
In the case you don't see your coins, just hit a Hard Rescan button.
Keep in mind that only you are responsible for your coins. Keep them safe, remember where you are saving files, and remember your password or write it down.
For more information about the files used by the Safex TWM Wallet, checkout here.