Safex Basics What Is Safex Blockchain? Safex Blockchain is a cryptocurrency protocol designed to facilitate eCommerce. Learn about the basics of Safex Blockchain and what makes it different from Bitcoin and Monero.
Safex Basics What is Safex Token? Learn about Safex Token, the utility token of the Safex Marketplace. Together with Safex Cash, it enables the entire functionality of the Safex Blockchain protocol.
Safex Basics What Is Safex Cash? Learn about Safex Cash, the cryptocurrency that serves as a medium of exchange on the Safex Marketplace.
Safex Basics What Is Safex? What is Safex will provide you with a brief explanation of the Safex project. If you are a beginner, this text is the first you should read to find out more about Safex Marketplace, Safex Cryptocurrencies, and the Safex Blockchain.
Safex Wallet First look into Safex TWM Wallet v1.6.0: Using the Safex Blockchain for Commerce Safex TWM wallet v1.6.0 is the first gateway to peer-to-peer crypto-commerce on the Safex blockchain. This article provides a detailed walkthrough, including the wallet download process and all key functionalities of the application, so that new users can join the Safex ecosystem with ease.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Basics ASIC-Resistant Cryptocurrencies: The Key to Decentralization? ASIC resistant cryptocurrencies aim to preserve and increase their underlying PoW blockchain's degree of decentralization. While it was possible to profitably mine Bitcoin with a CPU after its launch, times have changed and specially designed hardware has taken over for certain mining algorithms.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Basics What Does Decentralized Cryptocurrency Mean? Decentralized services can benefit many retail consumers giving them access to payments with little to no fees. They can also be great for businesses, particularly for those where working with payment providers or service providers proves to be difficult due to legal and bureaucratic complications.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Basics What is a Cryptocurrency Marketplace? It was Seth Godin, the celebrated author, and dotcom business executive, who said that - "In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible." This is the fine balance confronting any entrepreneur who attempts to build a